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Welcome the arrival of the newest group member-Dr. Stefani Daryanto. Stef was awarded with the prestigious Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future fellow. Stef will work as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab for a couple of years. Welcome and Congratulations!


Welcome the new group member-Xuefei Lu. Xuefei is a PhD student starting this fall. Xuefei was awarded the competitive Indiana University “University Fellowship”. Congratulations!


Our group is awarded a NSF funding to support the fog isotope work in Namibia.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Ecohydrology. In this study, we used geostatistics and structural equation modelling to study the spatial pattern of infiltration after shrub encroachment.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Plant and Soil. In this study, we studied how plant species adapt to wind erosion through various biomass allocation strategies.


Welcome the arrival of new group member-Kudzai Kaseke (Farai). Farai is a PhD student starting this fall. He is from Zimbabwe. He got his Master degree from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and his BS degree from the University of Zimbabwe.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Plant and Soil. In this study, we pioneered in studying the interactive effects of wind erosion and sand burial on sand dune vegetation and showed how sand burial compensates for the negative effects of erosion on plants in arid sand dune ecosystems.


Lixin was awarded a research agreement entitled “Precipitation and fog stable isotope analyses in Namibia” through IAEA, collaborating with Bill Gilhooly. The the holders of the research agreements are invited to participate in the research coordination meetings (RCM) funded through IAEA (four meetings were planned for this program).


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Ecological Engineering. Sand-binding vegetation is effective in stabilizing sand dunes and reducing soil erosion. In this study, using dual isotope techniques (13C and 15N), we found that sand-binding plants have developed into a relatively stable stage after ~20 years of plantation, but short-term rainfall variability could have severe impact on the vegetation functions.  .


Lixin has a new publication entitled “Ecological Processes: Decomposition and Mineralization”. This is a collaborative book chapter that Lixin co-wrote with Paolo D’Odorico from the University of Virginia. This chapter will appear in “Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences” by Elsevier.


Led by the department chair Kevin Mandernack, the delegates (Lin Li, Pierre-André Jacinthe and Lixin) of IUPUI Earth Sciences Department visited Chinese University of Geosciences, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics and the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.


As part of the research collaboration visit with Pierre-André Jacinthe, Lixin was invited to present his research entitled “Soil, Water and vegetation in drylands-the effects of environmental changes” in the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Lixin was invited to present his research entitled “Evapotranspiration partition in water-limited environments” in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University.


Lixin has a new publication entitled “Ecohydrology: plant water use”. This is a collaborative book chapter that Lixin co-wrote with Matt McCabe from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. This chapter will appear in “Handbook of Engineering Hydrology” by Taylor & Francis.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Geomorphology. In this study, we used geostatistical methods to investigate the effects of ploughing and grazing on the soil infiltration patterns.


Lixin has a new publication in Landscape Ecology. This study provides a first landscape-level investigation on soil 15N dynamics in African savanna ecosystems.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Geoderma. In this paper, geostatistical tools were used to investigate the effects of ploughing and grazing on the spatial patterning of surface soils properties.


Lixin attended EGU meeting in Vienna, which was partially supported by Indiana University Overseas Conference Grant. Lixin gave an oral presentation entitled “Isotope-based evapotranspiration partition in semi-arid environments” and also co-author a poster entitled “Analysis of the distribution of the isotopic composition of evapotranspiration flux in a semi-arid savanna” with colleagues from Princeton University. Vienna is a lovely city to visit in April.


Lixin was invited to attend a workshop on NSF education proposal writing in Tampa, which was organized by Profs. Jeffrey Ryan and Jill Singer. It was a productive workshop for all and we all enjoy the nice weather in March of South Florida.


Lixin co-authored a new publication in Ecosphere. In this paper, we used the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model to explain the isotopic variations in tropic rainfall of East Africa. This new method shows a significant improvement compared with previous predications..


Lixin has a new publication in Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. This study is a collaborative project between multiple institutions (e.g., Princeton University, University of Oklahoma, University of New South Wales and IUPUI). Utilizing a long-term grassland warming experiment and stable isotope techniques, we tested the evapotranspiration partition trends under warming scenario.


Lixin has a new publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), the publication of this editorial concludes the special issue entitled “Water, climate, and vegetation: ecohydrology in a changing world” in HESS. Lixin and other co-editors have been working on this special issue for one and half years. All the publications in the special issue are available online.


Lixin’s publication was featured on the cover page, check Publication page for details.


Lixin was appointed as consulting Editor of Journal of Arid Environments. 


Lixin was invited to participate in an agriculture sustainability workshop organized by Princeton University and Beijing Normal University.


Prof. Lixin Wang is a recipient of the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award for 2016. The CAREER Award is NSF's most prestigious award in support of the early career-development activities of teacher-scholars who most effectively integrate research and education within the context of the mission of their organization.


Congratulations to Xuefei’s new publication  Elevated CO2 as a driver of global dryland greening.  

Selected news outlets: Conservation Magazine Climate News Network HNGN


Congratulations to Liangju (a former visiting scholar to the group)’s new publication “Significant difference in hydrogen isotope composition between xylem and tissue water” in Populus euphratica in Plant Cell & Environment

In this study, large deuterium fractionation was found between source water and plant tissue waters, challenging the commonly accepted idea that isotopic compositions of tissue waters are the same as source water


Prof. Lixin Wang is the recipient of this year’s IUPUI School of Science “Research Award for non-tenured faculty”.- the most prestigious award for a junior faculty member at SoS. The award was presented during the 2016 School of Science Honor Convocation.


Welcome the new group member-Bonan Li. Bonan is a MS student starting this fall and Bonan will be co-advised by Prof. Lin Li and myself.


Welcome the new group member-Dr. Chao Tian. Chao is a postdoc starting this fall working on isotope hydrology.


Congratulations to Stef’s new publication Global Synthesis of Drought Effects on Food Legume Production.

Selected new outlets:


Congratulations to Farai’s new publication An analysis of precipitation isotope distributions across Namibia using historical data. In this study, Farai used innovative ways to project rainfall isotope distributions across Namibia. This information is important for understanding ecological and hydrological processes in this region. It also provided a novel approach for similar conditions in other parts of the global drylands.


Congratulations to Stef’s new publication Global synthesis of drought effects on maize and wheat production.

Selected new outlets:


Prof. Lixin Wang is the institutional PI of a new National Science Foundation Award to study the effects of acid deposition on forest water use. The team will combine tree-ring analyses, tree-ring isotope measurements and process-based modeling to study the effect of soil biogeochemistry on forest water use.


Congratulations to Stef’s new publication Drought effects on root and tuber production: A meta-analysis in Agricultural Water Management!


Congratulations to Stef’s new publication Global synthesis of drought effects on cereal, legume, tuber and root crops production: A review in Agricultural Water Management!


Congratulations to Wei’s new publication Global synthesis of the classifications, distributions, benefits and issues of terracing in Earth-Science Reviews!


Our research is in the journal cover in Plant Cell & Environment!

Significant difference in hydrogen isotope composition between xylem and tissue water


Lixin attended the 7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew in Wrocław in Poland. It is an exciting conference.


Lixin’s new publication The effects of non-rainfall water inputs on ecosystem functions in WIREs Water!


A new publication in Science Advances! Nonrainfall water origins and formation mechanisms.


A new USDA funded entitled “Drought impacts on species-specific carbon uptake and growth in Eastern U.S. hardwood forests” (with Kim Novick, (PI) Rich Philips, and Justin Maxwell)


A new publication featured in journal cover! Ecohydrological interactions within "fairy circles" in the Namib Desert: Revisiting the self-organization hypothesis. Journal of Geophysical Research

Start from 13’45’’


Featured in the journal cover! Meta-analysis of phosphorus loss from no-till soils.


Congratulations to Bonan, Stefani and Daniel for the new position!! Daniel accepted an Assistant Professor position at North Carolina Wesleyan College. Stef accepted a prestigious postdoc fellowship from Chinese government and will work at Beijing Normal University. Bonan accepted a PhD position offer at Oregon State University.  Best of luck for their future endeavours.

Presentations from the group:


B13H-1839 Intensified Vegetation Water Use due to Soil Calcium Leaching under Acid Deposition

Matthew Lanning (presenter)

Monday, 11 December 2017

13:40 - 18:00

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F


H11A-1156 Spatial and seasonal variation in 17O-excess of tap water in China

Chao Tian (presenter)

Monday, 11 December 2017

08:00 - 12:20

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F


H11A-1158 Key drivers of precipitation isotopes in Windhoek, Namibia (2012-2016)

Kudzai Farai Kaseke (presenter)

Monday, 11 December 2017

08:00 - 12:20

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F


PA23A-0371 Can plastic mulching replace irrigation in dryland agriculture?

Lixin Wang (presenter)

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

13:40 - 18:00

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F


NH21B-0171: A new multi-sensor integrated index for drought monitoring

Wenzhe Jiao (presenter)

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

8:00 - 12:20

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F


B52A-04 The impacts of no-till practice on nitrate and phosphorus loss: A meta-analysis

Lixin Wang (presenter)

Friday, 15 December 2017

11:05 - 11:20

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385